People make a company and we believe that it is our duty to take care of those people. Every product that comes into the market has been impacted by people and will impact people in return. Over the last 90 years we have learned that there are no shortcuts to longevity and to exist in the future one must plan long-term.
To ensure that the company operates in an ethical and sustainable way and deals with its environmental and social impacts, we have a dedicated team that enforces this. There is careful consideration of human rights, our environment, the community at large and in effect, our society as well.

Workplace Dynamics
For us, happiness and empowerment of women are important attributes to success. With an aim to increase the women employees at BABA, we decided to recruit female staff for our Precious Metal Division. The result was overwhelming! With the introduction of women in the division we received an 80% increase in productivity within 2 months.

Child Welfare
Primary education is a basic need for all children, and we have always been staunch supporters of its importance. To follow through, we provide daily meals to over 900 school children from Sanskar Kendra School in Noida, governed by the Noida Lok Manch NGO. This makes the day easier for these underprivileged children, motivating them to go to school every day.

Social Welfare
The Village of Hope is a colony of leprosy patients in Tahirpur, New Delhi. To sensitise our people to the needs of others and also keep them motivated, we participated in a Clothes Distribution Program at the colony. There was an overwhelming response from the recipients who mostly stay in isolation. It was a bittersweet moment for our team and many of them have since that day become volunteers with other organisations close to their homes.

Tree Planting
We only have one planet and it is our duty to protect it. Our endeavour to create a sustainable environment for future generations is a driving force behind all our CSR activities. Tree planting is our way of giving back to the earth and we hope that you too, dear reader, shall try and do your bit for the environment.